Playful Illustration:
Finding ideas with the help of analog experiments.
Workshop with Sonja Stangl
We will focus on adding experimentation and playfulness to our work and try different techniques to find ideas, which you can integrate into your workflow!
July 5 · 10am - July 6 · 6pm CEST

Viktor-Christ-Gasse 10, 1050 Vienna

Ever feel like dipping your hand into ink and smearing it across the paper? Or tossing a brush loaded with paint onto a blank canvas? As illustrators, we often work in a controlled manner, leaving little room for experimentation. Deadlines loom, clients expect something familiar from our portfolio, and we rely on our tried-and-true methods to solve problems.

But why did we become illustrators in the first place? Wasn't it the joy of playful creation, the magic of putting ideas onto paper? Yet, as it became a job, that lightness and playfulness often fades. I've felt that, and I want to share some techniques I've used to reclaim that joy, but at the same time being able to deliver a finished project in the end.

This workshop isn't just about my process; we'll also explore how to infuse your own style and voice with playfulness and ways to find ideas. We'll create "handmade" textures unique to us. We'll take a stroll with our inner child, following our instincts to see what happens. Then, we'll tie these insights into our professional work, making them usable for clients.

EUR 288,–
(incl. 20% VAT)
plus coffee/tea and small snacks
Group Size: 5 - 12 Participants

experimentation process :)

Thank you! You are registered for the workshop! I will be in touch shortly with further details.Looking forward to meet you in July! :)
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